Zucchini & Garlic Eggs

Zucchini & Garlic Eggs are a Khayat family staple breakfast food! We make this simple yet delicious meal every time we invite the family for a big hearty breakfast. The smell of the fresh zucchini and garlic makes your tummy rumble.  We dip pita bread in the yellow yokes of the sunny side up eggs and wipe the plate clean. Enjoy a healthy and hearty meal to kick off the day.



1 Zucchini diced into cubes
1-3 Garlic cloves (finely sliced)
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon (you can substitute with black pepper if preferred)
2 Tbsp Khayat Extra Virgin Olive Oil
4-6 eggs



  1. Add the Khayat Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Zucchini to a sauce pan. Mix and cook over medium heat about 3 mins to brown the zucchini. 
  2. Add in the garlic and cook over medium heat for another 2 minutes.
  3. Add in the eggs and cook them to your liking. We recommend sunny side up! Pro Tip: Cover the eggs to cook all the way through without breaking the yokes. 
  4. Add salt and cinnamon (or black pepper) to taste. Drizzle Khayat Extra Virgin Olive Oil on top.
  5. Your dish is ready. Serve with fresh pita bread and enjoy! 

    From our family to yours, we invite you to share in our tradition and hope you enjoy!