Experience the Tradition
The South of Lebanon is known for its rich heritage and vibrant culture. The soil is also rich with nutrients, soft rains fall regularly, and the climate is ideal for growing olives. Our family has cared for our estate in Nabatiyeh for generations.
Our Heritage
The ritual of cold pressing olive oil is a family tradition that is proudly passed down from generation to generation. For centuries our olive oil was shared with neighbors, family, and friends, spreading celebration and appreciation of traditional Lebanese food.
Several wars over the course of 20 years took a toll on the Lebanese people and land. This was a particularly hard time for our family as we witnessed the partial destruction of our beloved olive grove.
Our Tradition
Our family has dedicated ourselves to the restoration and care of our family lands, planting new trees each year. We are proud to share our heritage with you and invite you to take part in our tradition by enjoying our 100% first cold pressed extra virgin olive oil.